 2013.01-至今 董事长 奥比中光科技集团股份有限公司
 2011.06-2013.01 博士后研究员 麻省理新葡萄8883国际官网SMART研究中心
 2011.03-2011.06 研究员 香港中文大学电子系
 2010.03-2011.03 博士后研究员 瑞尔森大学
 2009.03-2010.03 博士后 香港理工大学
 2004.09-2009.02 博士 香港城市大学
 2002.09-2004.07 硕士 新加坡国立大学
 1998.09-2002.07 本科 新葡萄8883国际官网
 2020.01-至今 委员 深圳国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划专家委员会
 2017.06-至今 委员 深圳市人工智能行业协会专家委员会
 2021.02-至今 副会长 深圳欧美同学会
 海外高层次人才计划特聘专家
 深圳经济特区建立40周年创新创业人物和先进模范人物
 广东省珠江团队带头人
 深圳市孔雀计划团队带头人
 第五届广东省优秀中国特色社会主义事业建设者
 广东归侨归眷先进个人
 项目成果:曾作为负责人主持国家级、省级、市级重大项目10余项,并获政府资助资金近8000万元。
 专著出版:参与出版专著两部,在 Optics Letters 等著名期刊发表论文 50 余篇
 学术会议:多次应邀做国际学术会议(2012 IUTAM Symposium on Advances of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics、International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science (ICCES’11)、International Conference on Optics in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICOPEN2011)等)报告、特邀报告,包括“Full-field absolute deformation measurement of vibrating structures by laser interferometry”、 “Path-independent Phase Unwrapping: a compressive approach”、 “Phase Retrieval in Coherent Optical Metrology”等,曾担任国际学术会议(PGC2012 (Photonics Global Conference),ICCES’11 (International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science) 以及ISOT2010 (International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies))分会主席、学术委员会成员以及曾担任十多个国际性刊物(《Optics Letters》,《Optics Express》, 《IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics》, 《Applied Optics》, 《Chinese Optics Letters》, 《Composites B – Engineering》,《International Journal of Optomechatronics》)审稿人;
 专利发明:作为主要技术发明人累计申请专利325件(其中国内发明专利223件,PCT专利36件,美国专利12件),授权专利121件(其中国内发明专利86件、美国专利5件)。

 (1)Y. H. Huang, Y. Shang, Y. S. Liu and H. J. Bao,“3-D Shape Measurement Using Speckle”, in S. Zhang (ed.), Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Oxford, UK.
 (2)Y. Y. Hung, L. X. Yang and Y. H. Huang, “Nondestructive Testing of Composites Using Digital Shearography”, in V. Karbhari (ed.), Non-destructive testing: Evaluation and application within polymer matrix composites, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
(1)Y. H. Huang, H. P. Ho*, S. Y.Wu and S. K. Kong, "Phase Sensitive SPR Sensor for Wide Dynamic Range Detection", Optics Letters36(20), pp4092-4094, Oct 2011.
来源出版物:Optics Letters卷:36,期:20,页:4092-4094 出版年:OCT 15, 2011
(2)Y. H. Huang, S. Y. Hung, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi,W. Wangand Y. S. Liu*, "Quantitative Phase Retrieval in Dynamic Laser Speckle Interferometry", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 50(4), pp534-539, Apr 2012.
来源出版物:Optics and Lasers in Engineering 卷:50,期:4,页:534-539 出版年:APR 201
(3)Y. H. Huang, Y. S. Liu, S. Y. Hung, C. G. Li, and Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi*, "Dynamic Phase Evaluation in Sparse-Sampled Temporal Speckle Pattern Sequence", Optics Letters, Vol. 36 (4), pp526-528, Feb 2011.
来源出版物:Optics Letters卷:36,期:4,页:526-528 出版年:FEB 15, 2012
(4)Y. H. Huang,Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, Y. S. Liu* and Y. Y. Hung, "Dynamic Phase Measurement in Shearography by Clustering Method and Fourier Filtering", Optics Express, Vol. 19 (2), pp606-615, Jan 2011.
来源出版物:Optics Express卷:19,期:2,页:606-615 出版年:JAN17, 2011
(5)Y. H. Huang, Y. S. Liu, S. Y. Hung, C. G. Li, and Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi*, “Dynamic Phase Evaluation in Sparse-Sampled Temporal Speckle Pattern Sequence”, Optics Letters, Vol. 36 (4), pp526-528, Feb 2011.
来源出版物:Optics Letters卷:36,期:4,页:526-528 出版年:FEB 15, 2012
(6)Y. H. Huang,Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, Y. S. Liu* and Y. Y. Hung, “Dynamic Phase Measurement in Shearography by Clustering Method and Fourier Filtering”, Optics Express, Vol. 19 (2), pp606-615, Jan 2011.
来源出版物:Optics Express卷:19,期:2,页:606-615 出版年:JAN17, 2011
(7)Y. H. Huang*, L. Liu, F. C. Sham, Y. S. Chen, S. P. Ng, “Optical Strain Gauge Vs. Traditional Strain Gauges for Concrete Elasticity Modulus Determination”, Optik, Vol. 121(18), pp1635-1641, Oct 2010.
来源出版物:Optik 卷:121,期:18,页:1635-1641 出版年:2010
(8)Y. Y. Hung, S.Y. Hung, Y.H. Huang*, L. Liu and S. P. Ng, “Hybrid Holographic-Numerical Method for Modal Analysis of Complex Structures”, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 42 (1), pp237-242, Feb 2010.
来源出版物:Optics and Laser Technology卷:42,期:1,页:237-242 出版年:FEB 2010
(9)F.C. Sham*, Y. H. Huang, L. Liu, Y.S. Chen and Y.Y. Hung, “Computerized Tomography Technique for Reconstruction of Obstructed Temperature Field in Infrared Thermography”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 53(1), pp1-9, Jan 2010.
来源出版物:Infrared Physics & Technology卷:53,期:1,页:1-9 出版年:JAN 2010
(10)Y. H. Huang*, S. P. Ng, L. Liu, C. L. Li, Y. S. Chen and Y. Y. Hung, “NDT&E using Shearography with Impulsive Thermal Stressing and Clustering Phase Extraction”,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 47(7-8), pp774-781, JUL-AUG 2009.
来源出版物:Optics and Lasers in Engineering卷:47,期:7-8,页:774-781 出版年:JUL-AUG2009