2021.09至2023.01:麻省理新葡萄8883国际官网 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ,核科学与工程系,博士后(导师:Ju Li教授)
2015.08至2021.08:佐治亚理新葡萄8883国际官网 (Georgia Institute of Technology) ,机械工程系,博士(导师:Ting Zhu教授)
近年来,在Nature (2篇)、Science、Nature Materials、Science Advances、Nature Communications、PNAS、Acta Materialia、Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids等主流期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中两篇为ESI高被引论文(领域前1%),一篇为ESI当前热点论文(领域前0.1%)。研究成果受到了国际同行广泛的关注,多次被Materials Today, Phy.org和Science Daily等多家媒体报道。所发表论文被引用2800余次, H因子为15。
受邀作为力学、物理、材料等领域期刊的审稿人,例如:Acta Materialia; Extreme Mechanics Letters; Materials Today; Nano Letters; Mechanics of Materials; Additive Manufacturing.


1.      J. Ren#, Y. Zhang#, D. Zhao, Y. Chen, S. Guan, Y. Liu, L. Liu, S. Peng, F. Kong, J. Poplawsky, G. Gao, T. Voisin, K. An, Y. Wang, K. Xie, T. Zhu*, W. Chen*, "Strong yet ductile nanolamellar high-entropy alloys by additive manufacturing", Nature, 608, 62-68, (2022).

2.      L. Wang#, Y. Zhang#, Z. Zeng, H. Zhou, J. He, P. Liu, M. Chen, J. Han, D. Srolovitz, J. Teng, Y. Guo, G. Yang, D. Kong, E. Ma, Y. Hu, B. Yin, X. Huang, Z. Zhang*, T. Zhu*, X. Han*, "Tracking the sliding of grain boundaries at the atomic scale", Science, 375, 1261-1265, (2022).

3.      Q. Ding#, Y. Zhang#, X. Chen#, X. Fu, D. Chen, S. Chen, L. Gu, F. Wei, H. Bei, Y. Gao, M. Wen, J. Li, Z. Zhang, T. Zhu*, R. Ritchie*, Q. Yu*, "Tuning element distribution, structure and properties by composition in high-entropy alloys", Nature, 574, 223-227, (2019).

4.      Z. Cheng#, L. Bu#, Y. Zhang#, H. Wu, T. Zhu*, H. Gao*, L. Lu*, "Unraveling the origin of extra strengthening in gradient nanotwinned metals”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2116808119, (2022).

5.      Z. Li#, Y. Zhang#, Z. Zhang, Y. Cui, Q. Guo, P. Liu, S. Jin, G. Sha, K. Ding, Z. Li, T. Fan, H. Urbassek, Q. Yu, T. Zhu*, D. Zhang*, Y. M. Wang*, "A nanodispersion-in-nanograins strategy for ultra-strong, ductile and stable metal nanocomposites”, Nature Communications, 13, 5581, (2022).

6.      W. Chen#, T. Voisin#, Y. Zhang#, J. Forien, C. Spadaccini, D. McDowell, T. Zhu*, Y. M. Wang*, "Microscale residual stresses in additively manufactured stainless steel”, Nature Communications, 10, 4338, (2019).

7.      Y. Zhang#, K. Ding#, S. Stangebye, D. Chen, J. Kacher, O. Pierron, T. Zhu*, "Atomistic modeling of surface and grain boundary dislocation nucleation in FCC metals”, Acta Materialia, 237, 118155, (2022).

8.      Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, L. Lu, T. Zhu*, "Strain gradient plasticity in gradient structured metals", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 140, 103946, (2020).

9.      Y. Zhang, W. Chen, D. McDowell, Y. Wang, T. Zhu*, "Lattice strains and diffraction elastic constants of cubic polycrystals", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 138, 103899, (2020).

10.  Y. Zhang, Q. Li, T. Zhu, J. Li*, "Learning constitutive relations of plasticity using neural networks and full-field data”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 52, 101645, (2022).

11.  K. Ding#, Y. Zhang#, A. Birnbaum, J. Michopoulos, D. McDowell, T. Zhu*, "Strain gradient plasticity modeling of nanoindentation of additively manufactured stainless steel”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 49, 101503, (2021).

12.  Y. Zhang#, K. Ding#, Y. Gu, W. Chen, Y. Wang, J. El-Awady, D. McDowell, T. Zhu*, "Modeling of microscale internal stresses in additively manufactured stainless steel”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 30, 074001, (2022).