2020/09-2022/03:牛津大学(University of Oxford),数学研究所,玛丽居里学者
2016/09-2020/05:德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),工程力学,博士
2020,玛丽居里奖学金(Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship),欧洲委员会
2019,University Graduate Continuing Fellowship,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
2018,Student Travel Award,Haythornthwaite Foundation
2017,Global Research Fellowship,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
受邀作为力学、物理、材料等领域期刊的审稿人,例如:2D Materials; ACS Applied Electronic Materials; Applied Materials Today, Communications in Theoretical Physics; Composites Science and Technology; Computational Materials Science; Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal; European Polymer Journal; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Journal of Applied Physics; Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry; Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; Journal of Physics Communications; Materials Letters; Materials Research Bulletin; Materials Research Express; Measurement; Nano Express; Nano Letters; Nanotechnology; Nature Communications; Physica E; Sensors and Actuators: A; Scientific Reports; Synthetic Metals等。

Try my ResearchGate profile ( for more details.

1.    Z. Dai*, N. Lu*. Poking and bulging of suspended thin sheets: slippage, instabilities, and metrology.

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 149, 104320 (2021)

2.    Y. Hou†, Z. Dai†, S. Zhang†, S. Feng, G. Wang, L. Liu*, Z. Xu*, Q. Li*, Z. Zhang*. Elastocapillary cleaning of twisted bilayer graphene interfaces.

Nature Communications 12, 5069 (2021)

3.    Z. Dai, D. Sanchez, C. J. Brennan, N. Lu*. Radial Buckle Delamination Around Two-Dimensional Material Tents.

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137, 103843 (2020)

4.    Z. Dai, N. Lu, K. Liechti, R. Huang*. Mechanics at the Interfaces of 2D Materials: Challenges and Opportunities.

Current Opinions in Solid State & Materials Science 24, 100837 (2020)

5.    G. Wang†, Z. Dai†, J. Xiao†, S. Feng, C. Weng, L. Liu*, Z. Xu*, R. Huang*, Z. Zhang*. Bending of multilayer van der Waals materials.

Physical Review Letters 123, 116101 (2019) [高被引、编辑推荐、封面文章、MRS News报道]

6.    Z. Dai, L. Liu*, Z. Zhang*. Strain Engineering of Two-Dimensional Materials: Issues and Opportunities at the Interface.

Advanced Materials 31, 1805417 (2019) [ESI 高被引、内插页文章]

7.    Z. Dai, Y. Hou, D. A. Sanchez, G. Wang, C. J. Brennan, L. Liu*, N. Lu*. Interface-Governed Deformation of Nanobubbles and Nanotents Formed by Two-Dimensional Materials.

Physical Review Letters 121, 266101 (2018) [编辑推荐、封面文章]

8.    D. Sanchez†, Z. Dai†, P. Wang, A. Cantu-Chavez, C. J. Brennan, R. Huang*, N. Lu*. Mechanics of Liquid-Filled Nanobubbles Trapped by Two-Dimensional Crystals.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 7884 (2018)

9.    G. Wang†, Z. Dai†, Y. Wang, P. Tan, L. Liu*, Z. Xu*, Y. Wei, R. Huang, Z. Zhang*. Measuring Interlayer Shear Stress in Bilayer Graphene.

Physical Review Letters 119, 036101 (2017) [ESI高被引、编辑推荐、APS Physics Focus报道]

10.  Z. Dai, G. Wang, L. Liu*, Y. Hou, Y. Wei*, Z. Zhang*. Mechanical Behavior and Properties of Hydrogen bonded Graphene/Polymer Nano-Interfaces.

Composites Science and Technology 136, 1 (2016)

11.  Z. Dai, Y. Wang, L. Liu*, X. Liu, P. Tan, Z. Xu*, J. Kuang, Q. Liu, J. Lou, Z. Zhang*. Hierarchical Graphene Based Films with Dynamic Self-stiffening for Biomimetic Artificial Muscle.

Advanced Functional Materials 26, 7003 (2016)