12月22日新葡萄8883国际官网特邀报告——Recent developments of multiscale solid mechanics for the study of the high strength and high ductility nanomaterials

讲座题目:Recent developments of multiscale solid mechanics for the study of the high strength and high ductility nanomaterials

报告人:Professor Jian Lu 

时 间:12月22日(周三)下午3:00-4:30
地 点:力学楼434会议室

     The multiscale solid mechanics tools are the major keys for understanding, designing and achieving the new nanomaterials. The ability to create structural materials of high yield strength and yet high ductility has been a dream for materials scientists for a long time. We summarize the recent developments of the advanced nanomaterials with exceptional mechanical properties. The basic concept of surface nanocrystallization of materials will be presented. The computational models successfully simulate the enhanced ductility and strength and provide valuable information about the failure mechanisms of the nanostructured material. Based on the new concepts developed for toughening the high strength materials, different new categories of nanomaterials have been realized. The development of materials and structures with nano-, micro- and macro-scale functional gradients for generating different toughening mechanisms using the non localization approach will be presented. The applications in different industrial sectors (automotive, biomedical, civil structure, aerospace, energy) will be presented.