4月18日新葡萄8883国际官网水资源中心“国际水文科学前沿”系列讲座第二讲——Can we have real rivers in urban areas?

报告题目:Can we have real rivers in urban areas?

报告人:David Lerner(教授)

时 间:4月18日(周三)15:30
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网一号楼212会议室

    Rivers are living geomorphological and ecological entities. In cities we usually see their beneficial aspects as sources of power, water and flat land, and as drains.  We are also aware of their negative aspects, such as flooding, and of the health problems that arise from the pollution we put into them.  We rarely take a holistic view, weighing up the social, economic and environmental costs and benefits, and even more rarely take an ecosystem services viewpoint.  This talk considers whether we are willing to afford to have real rivers in urban areas.

    Dr. David Lerner is Professor of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Catchment Science Centre at the University Of Sheffield, United Kingdom. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering and former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.  A world-renowned hydrologist and environmental engineer, Prof. Lerner is author of over 360 scientific publications involving groundwater hydrology, aquifer remediation, and ecohydrological processes. He has presided over several large-scale multidisciplinary research initiatives supported by UK and EU funding agencies.