题目:Nanoelectronics-biology frontier: From nanoscopic probes of live cells to three-dimensional hybrid tissues
时 间:3月29日(周五)下午2:00
地 点:校医院A-534会议室
Cellular and subcellular-level interfaces between electrical sensors and biological systems are crucial for both fundamental biophysical studies and medical monitoring and intervention. In this talk, I will talk about our recent progress of developing novel nanoscale field-effect transistor (FET) based devices to measure action potentials from inside living electrogenic cells. Compared to other available recording methods, these FET based intracellular nanoprobes allow for unprecedented miniaturization and integration of probes, thus providing a potential tool for large-scale, high-resolution mapping of neuronal activities. In addition, electronic and biological systems have been seamlessly merged in three dimension (3D) for the first time using macroporous nanoelectronic scaffolds. Measurements demonstrate that the real-time response to drugs and pH changes can be mapped in 3D through the tissues, which provide broad opportunities, such as real-time pharmacological screening in 3D.
段小洁,新葡萄8883国际官网生物医学工程系特聘研究员,中组部“青年”和教育部“全国百篇优秀博士论文奖”获得者。新葡萄8883国际官网理学博士(2002~2007),哈佛大学博士后(2007~2012底)。2013年2月入职新葡萄8883国际官网,研究领域为纳米生物医学工程,主要包括发展新型纳米材料和功能器件,以用于生物检测、组织再生、以及假体器件研制等。自2005年来在SCI期刊如Nature Nanotechnology,Journal of the American Chemical Society,Nano Letters等发表论文数篇,所作工作曾被Nature Nanotechnology,Nature biotechnology,Nature Methods, MRS Bulletin, Nano Today等作为“亮点”推荐报道。此外,申请中国美国专利共四项。目前为Nano Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Carbon等SCI期刊审稿人。