主 办:湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室
时 间:下午3:00
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210会议室
Immersed Boundary method is a widely used numerical method to compute structure-fluid interact problem. It is also well known that this method is suffer from the strong numerical stiffness. If explicit scheme is used in time discretization, the time step must be very small to keep stability. The stability of implicit scheme is much better, but the computational cost is very high due to the strong nonlinearity of the structure-fluid interact problem. In this talk, several semi-implicit schemes are introduced to remove the numerical stiffness
of Immersed Boundary method. The computational cost of these semi-implicit schemes is comparable with the explicit scheme, but the stability is much better.
? Sep. 2003–Jul 2008: Ph.D in Applied Mathematics, Zhou Pei-yuan Center for Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
? Nov. 2006–Feb. 2008: Special doctoral student in Applied and Computational Mathematics,Caltech, United States.
? Sep. 1999–Jul 2003: B.S. in Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
? Sep. 2011–Current: Associate professor, Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University.
? Sep. 2008–Sep. 2011 : Postdoctoral Scholar in Applied & Computational Mathematics, Caltech.
Research Interests
? Sparse Time-Frequency representation of nonlinear and nonstationary data.
? Analysis and computation of fluid with interface.
? Numerical methods for PDEs on point cloud.
? Singularity problems in fluid mechanics