Some Challenges in the Modelling of Particulates and Multi-fracturing Materials with Coupled Field Effects - An Applications Perspective等三则

主   办:湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室
报告人:Prof D. Roger J. Owen等
时   间:上午9:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210会议室
主持人:袁明武 教授

报告题目一:Some Challenges in the Modelling of Particulates and Multi-fracturing Materials with Coupled Field Effects - An Applications Perspective

报告人:Prof  D. Roger J. Owen

Zienkiewicz Centre of Computational Engineering, Swansea University

Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Fellow of the Royal Society 2009

Foreign Fellow of the United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Science


报告题目二:Towards Fully Parallel CFD Simulations on Unstructured Meshes

报告人:Prof  Oubay Hassan

Zienkiewicz Centre of Computational Engineering, Swansea University

Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering


报告题目三:On Human Gut Microbial Ecosystem: In Vitro Experiment and Mathematical Modelling or Computational Mechanics for Graphics and Vision

报告人:Dr.  Chenfeng Li

Zienkiewicz Centre of Computational Engineering, Swansea University

The ICACM Young Investigator Award, 2013.

Emerald Literati Highly Commended Paper Award 2011.

ACME Award of UK’s Best PhD Thesis in Computational Mechanics for 2006.

Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad 2005.

The Most Downloaded Paper in Elesevier JCOMA 2003.



In addition to the remarkable strides have been made in computational solution techniques for problems in continuum mechanics, the last two decades have also witnessed a significant growth in the development of both particle based methods and techniques for the simulation of multi-fracturing solids, where a successful numerical treatment necessitates a blend of continuous and discrete computational processes to provide adequate solution. Supported by developments in computer hardware, large-scale solutions are now routinely undertaken in a range of areas, including industrial forming processes, defence applications related to blast loading and missile penetration phenomena, geotechnical problems in the mining and oil recovery sectors, as well as the modelling of food processing and pharmaceutical products.

A specific feature of many of these applications is that the presence of an additional phase, either gaseous, liquid or both, often controls the behaviour requiring a multi-physics approach to solution. Examples of such interaction include porous media flows, rock fracture caused by explosive detonation, particle transport within fluid fields, magneto-rheological materials and multi-scale particle flows. Although a generic modelling strategy can be developed for a broad range of such problems, nevertheless, some applications require an individual approach to solution.

The lecture discusses appropriate computational solution strategies for a broad range of problems involving particulates and multi-fracturing solids involving coupled field effects.



Professor Owen, an international authority on finite element and discrete element techniques, is the author of six textbooks and over four hundred scientific publications.  In addition to being the editor of thirty monographs and conference proceedings, Professor Owen is also the editor of the International Journal for Engineering Computations and is a member of several Editorial Boards.  His involvement in academic research has lead to the supervision of seventy Ph.D. students.


Professor Hassan, a world leading researcher in computational mechanics, is the author of over three hundred scientific publications. He is in the editorial board of Applied Mathematical Modelling (Associate Editor), Advances in Engineering Software, and International Journal of Aviation Technology, Engineering and Management. Prof Hassan's research focuses largely on mesh generation, computational fluid dynamics and computational electromagnetics.


Dr Li's research centres on computational mechanics and computer graphics with an emphasis on stochastic modelling and probabilistic engineering, physically-based modelling for graphics applications. He is the author of 37 journal papers and over 40 conference articles. Dr Li is the regular reviewer for over 12 international journals including International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics etc. His involvement in academic research has lead to the supervision of eleven Ph.D. students.