主 办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:Prof. Daniel Attinger
时 间:上午10:00
地 点:方正大厦301会议室
主持人:王昊 特聘研究员
To tackle the 21st century critical challenge of supplying more energy in a sustainable manner, it is important to design and manufacture advanced materials for phase change heat transfer applications. In the first part of this talk, we review historical and recent developments in surface texturing and chemical modification of technologically-relevant, thermally-conductive materials. Five opportunities are identified to engineer better surfaces for phase change heat transfer: design, physical process understanding, suitability for commercial fluids, reliability and manufacturing. Specifically, we will emphasize the history and recent developments of biphilic surfaces, which juxtapose hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. Biphilic surfaces were first manufactured in the 1960’s by spraying Teflon drops onto a smooth steel surface, resulting in enhanced heat transfer coefficients during boiling. The presentation aims at providing researchers in the two communities of material science and heat transfer with a synthetic perspective on the explosively growing area of advanced engineered surfaces for phase change heat transfer
The second part of the talk is focused on the formation of stains during the drying of drops of complex fluids. Experimental studies involve aqueous drops with dispersed nanoparticles evaporating on a glass substrate. Our numerical and experimental results show how electrostatic and van der Waals forces modify the particle deposition process. Also, a phase diagram is proposed to describe how the shape of a stain results from the competition among three flow patterns: a radial flow driven by evaporation at the wetting line, a Marangoni recirculating flow driven by surface tension gradients, and the transport of particles toward the substrate driven by electrostatic interactions. This phase diagram explains three types of deposits commonly observed experimentally, such as a peripheral ring, a small central bump, or a uniform layer. Applications of this research are in bioengineering, manufacturing, and forensics.
Daniel Attinger’s research area is in fluid dynamics and heat transfer at small scales, with applications in forensics, bioengineering, energy technologies. After a 2001 PhD at ETH Zurich and faculty positions at Stony Brook and Columbia University, Attinger is since 2011 tenured Associate Professor at Iowa State University. He has given seven keynote lectures at international heat transfer and microfluidic conferences, and more than 50 invited talks in America, Asia and Europe. He has produced about 80 journal and conference papers. Attinger is a member of the Nanoengineering Council of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, where he chairs the Micro & Nano Technology Society-Wide Forum, and the 2014 International ASME Conference on Micro, Nano and Minichannels. Attinger is the co-inventor of four US and international patents. He is the recipient of the ETH Zurich medal for outstanding Ph.D. thesis (2001), an NSF CAREER award for young investigators (2005), the 2012 ASME ICNMM 2012 Outstanding Researcher Award. He leads one of the 7 teams of the 2013 Presidential Interdisciplinary Research Initiative at Iowa State University, and received the Award of Professor of the Year 2014 by the senior class of Mechanical Engineering. The first three PhD graduates of Attinger’s lab have obtained tenure-track faculty positions at research universities.