决胜未来——提升系统领导力 How Chinese Companies should work differently in order to be more successful in the future

主   办:北大新葡萄8883国际官网、北大团委、德稻教育
报告人:Lars Kolind
时   间:19:00-21:30
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网二教102


The current Chinese management practice is a combination of traditional Chinese management culture and American Industrial management tradition. It builds on the need for the manager to direct and control his subordinates based on quantitative, mostly financial goals. It involves heavy use of key performance indicators (KPI) which form the basis of financial incentive systems. The basic structure is hierarchical based on functional departments, job descriptions and accountability. Information access is restricted on a need-to-know basis.

This management model has been adapted successfully to Chinese factories in the last 25 years, but no new concept has been developed for the emerging creative, knowledge and service industries in China. New Nordic Leadership (NNL) aims to fill this gap.



Lars Kolind(孔林德)教授是世界知名商人、企业家、作家和慈善家。1972年他毕业于奥尔胡斯大学,获得数学与统计学学位。其后,他担任了9年国际管理顾问,4年丹麦最大的研究实验室——丹麦里索实验室主任,4年雷度(Radiometer)公司首席财务官和首席运营官,10年奥迪康(Oticon)公司与威廉·达蒙(William Demant)控股公司首席执行官,17年格兰富(Grundfos)公司和延森基金会(the Poul Due Jensen Foundation)集团董事长。他成立了二十多家公司,业务范围涵盖多个行业,包括医药、软件、硬件、咨询、房地产、零售等。他为世界大公司如米其林、诺和诺德(Movo Nordisk)、乐高、库尔斯和葛兰素史克等提供咨询服务。

Lars Kolind教授曾获丹麦B?rsen “年度风云人物” 和?rets ildsj?l “年度杰出企业家”荣誉称号,并因在1991年使奥迪康公司成为世界第一家知识型公司而闻名于世。现担任雅各布·延森工作室董事会主席和德稻教育设计大师。