HOBE – the Danish Hydrological Observatory

主   办:水资源研究中心
报告人:哥本哈根大学水文地质教授Karsten H. Jensen
时   间:10月16日(周四)下午1:00-3:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网二教311教室



The Danish hydrological observatory – HOBE – was established in 2007 based on funding from the private VILLUM FOUNDATION ( The Skjern catchment located in the western part of Denmark was selected as the site for the hydrological observatory. The observatory was established with the overall purpose to obtain a better understanding of the water balance at catchment scale. Previous investigations have documented that water balance closure has been difficult to obtain based on independent measurements of in- and outgoing fluxes at catchment scale. This is due to both measurement and theoretical limitations. Catchments are subject to a time-space variability of landscape characteristics and the hydrological processes occur and interact across a multitude of spatial and temporal scales. Often fluxes, process understanding and parameters are determined at a smaller scale and a pertinent problem is to scale findings and observations from one scale to another.

To address these challenges long-term observations, dedicated measurements and experiments of in- and outgoing fluxes as well as fluxes between the different hydrological compartments are carried out. Classic state-of-the-art measurement techniques in combination with novel sensor technologies are used to observe and measure the multi-scale spatial and temporal patterns of the land surface and subsurface systems. The project takes advantage of the recent developments within ground-based, air-borne and space-borne non-invasive geophysical, meteorological and remote sensing sensors. Also new instrumentation is used for easy and inexpensive measurements of stable isotopes. The collected data are integrated into a physically based and distributed hydrological model.

In the presentation a summary will be given of the results obtained so far and how the observatory has contributed to the development of a better understanding of catchment behavior and dynamics as well as the water cycle.



Karsten H. Jensen is Professor in Hydrogeology at University of Copenhagen. He is head of the Geology division at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources Management and he is director of the Center of Excellence in Catchment Hydrology HOBE – the Danish Hydrological Observatory. He has received an Overseas Outstanding Scholarship from the China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Dr. Jensen’s most recent research has been dedicated to hydrological modeling at catchment scale using integrated and distributed modeling. Particular emphasis has been on predicting the hydrological impacts of climate change. Several on-going research activities deal with obtaining a better understanding of hydrological fluxes at catchment scale.更多信息参见:Uploads/File/2021/10/21/stnsgjnn2ji  


联系人 王晓丽

Xiaoli Wang, M.S.

Executive Assistant

Center for Water Research

Peking University

Beijing, CHINA

Mobile: +86 133-1137-2036