主 办:工业工程与管理系
报告人:MAU Jochen (毛有成)
时 间:10月30日(周四)上午10:00-11:00
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼209
主持人:谢广明 教授
From an automation viewpoint, total human body system is simple an automaton in the sense of an autonomously steering production system with built-in functions of control and regulation. From a mathematical viewpoint the total human body system is a complex set of dynamic equations with components of endogenous stochasticity and impact from exogenous dynamic systems with own intrinsic stochasticity. With cells as building stones of tissue, units of functionality must be identified among complexly interacting organ function. Compelling analogies between total human body system and highly complex technical production system are almost a tautology, then. Claims of engineering science properties of technical systems, like robustness in terms of stability, redundancy, modularity and adaptiveness, have been raised in systems biology for cells and tissues, and recourse to universal principles is sought in order to justify a unified multi-scale approach from cell to body.
Hence I will point out the differences with a review of human physiology from a structural automation top-down perspective. This exhibits multiple-use channels with highly optimized control in terms of antagonistic restraint and goal-oriented behavior under prevailing conditions of bipolarity and rhythm. In combination with an apparent highly economical use of resources, this seems more indicative of fragility than stability. Theories built on scale invariant principles are hence not very likely to meet physiological reality. The concept of adaptation will be appropriate in evolution but must be replaced by ‘preservation of integrity’ for whole body functional levels. This governs interaction with body’s outside world, the dynamics of ecological environment and the mostly incalculable dynamics of an even more complex socio-economic life setting.
A challenging corollary is the issue of appropriate metrics for assessment of dynamic system performance. This has interesting implications for clinical diagnosis and treatments as much as epidemiologic studies of risk factors and policy-making in disease prevention.
1971 数学科学硕士 Diplom-Mathematiker (MSc Thesis in Functional Analysis), Free University Berlin
1981 – 1976 Scientist, Institute of Medical Statistics and Documentation (Prof. S. Koller), University of Mainz
1977 数学科学博士 Dr. rer. nat. (Thesis: Perturbed Branching Processes [Prof. Buehler, Mainz])
1977 – 1980 CIBA-GEIGY Ltd, Scientific Computing Center, Mathematical Applications, Basle, Switzerland
1981 – 1982 Biometrical Methods Center in Government-funded Clinical Research, Chief, RWTH Aachen
1982 – 1988 Researcher, Institute of Medical Biometry (Prof. K. Dietz), University of Tübingen, Medical School
1984 (大学授师资格) “Dr. habil.” certification of capacity to lecture, to research, to supervise Ph.D. works in medical sciences, granted by Medical Faculty (Theoretical Medicine), University of Tübingen
1985 大学私讲师 P.D. private lecturer (permission of the above) appointed by State of
1986 大学教授头衔 Extraordinary Professor, appointed by the State of Baden-Württemberg
1988 大学正教授职位 (生物数学与统计学以内医学), Full Professor for life, Medical School, University of Düsseldorf, appointed by the State of North-Rhine Westphalia,
See http://www.uniklinik-duesseldorf.de/en/unternehmen/institute/institute-of-medical-statistics/
for work phase up to February 2011,
Since 03/2011 - 暂时退休 university professor emeritus,
See interview with China’s MOST Science & Technology Daily, for motivation of work phase after Feb 2011, http://www.stdaily.com/kjrb/content/2011-02/24/content_277897.htm
2011 - 2012 free-lance academic teaching to international classes in School of Society and Economics and School of Life Sciences at new Rhine Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve, Germany
2012: Opening of free-lance Private Institute of Quantitative Methodology, Krefeld, Germany
2012 - Pursuit of T-CHIRD (Transcontinental Health-Intent Collaboration in Research and
Development) built-up in China, Russia and Germany.
2013: First preliminary talks on mathematical modeling of human body system in a transcontinental collaboration at Chinese Academy of Sciences Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Beijing, and at Samara State University, Russia.
2014: Founding German “Initiative Biokybernetik” with systems scientists from mathematics and engineering science, and organization of its First Workshop in November 2014 in Germany.