同一个世界,同一片海洋 Many Countries, One Ocean

主   办:新葡萄8883国际官网海洋研究院
报告人:Susan Avery 博士
时   间:11月1日(周六)上午9:00-11:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网图书馆北配楼报告厅
主持人:张东晓 院长


Susan Avery 博士为大气物理学家,首位入主伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的女性科学家,主要从事大气环流和降水、气候变异、水资源、新型雷达遥感技术和仪器的发展等领域的研究工作。曾担任科罗拉多大学研究生院院长兼副校长(主管研究领域事务)、环境科学协作研究所所长等职务。

Susan Avery Takes the Helm at WHOI. Avery is first atmospheric scientist (and woman) to lead the Institution.

Avery, who earned her doctorate in atmospheric science from the University of Illinois in 1978, has been a member of the faculty of the University of Colorado at Boulder since 1982, most recently holding the academic rank of professor of electrical and computer engineering. She has participated in field expeditions in Greenland, Antarctica, and Australia, and she has a keen interest in scientific literacy and the role of science in public policy

Avery is an atmospheric physicist with extensive experience as a leader within scientific institutions. She comes to WHOI from the University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB), where she was interim dean of the graduate school and vice chancellor for research. She previously served as director of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), a 550-member collaborative institute between UCB and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Avery’s research interests include studies of atmospheric circulation and precipitation, climate variability, and water resources, and the development of new radar techniques and instruments for remote sensing.