主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
时 间:12月12日(周五)下午2:00-4:00
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼212会议室
主持人:符策基 副教授
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a relative common [about 1:500 in the general adult population], genetic cardiac disorder in which a portion of the myocardium becomes hypertrophied. In up to 70% of HCM patients, dynamic left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction is present either at rest or is inducible with stress. Obstructive HCM is associated with worsened symptom severity, disease progression and HCM-related death (relative risk vs non-obstructive HCM, 2.0). The mechanism of dynamic obstruction in HCM is not understood. For the patients who do not respond to medication, surgical septal myomectomy (SSM) procedure may relieve the outflow obstruction. However, SSM is not always successful. Failure to alleviate obstruction frequently results from inadequate excision. Conversely, resection may be complicated by ventricular septal defect or complete heart block. Cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) & Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) derived heart blood flow is able to provide detailed hemodynamic information like 3-dimensional velocity profile and pressure gradient and vorticity formation. By comparing the vortex formation in HCM versus normal heart, we can hopefully begin to understand the propensity to initiate, develop and maintain outflow obstruction. Further, the recognition of the flow pattern may lead to modification of surgical septal myectomy technique in HCM.
钟良博士,现任新加坡国家心脏中心主任研究员,新加坡国家心脏研究院生物工程部主任,杜克国立医学研究院副教授,武汉科技大学医学院客座教授,武汉亚洲心脏病医院客座教授。钟博士在1999年毕业于华中科技大学获双学士学位,在2005年获得新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位,2007年在意大利博洛尼亚医学院研究访问。他的主要研究方向是心血管影像,心血管工程,心血管动力学,模型和仿真,无创心力诊断和评估。曾连续获新加坡心脏协会最佳研究员奖(2011年和2012年),亚太心脏联盟最佳研究员奖(2012年)和APCCS的Sejong 医学奖(2012)。至今,钟博士主持和副主持国家和国际合作研究基金达十余项,在新加坡和美国申请7项专利。钟博士已经在经由同行评审的SCI期刊中发表超过60篇论文,包括Int J Cardiol, Am J Cardiol, Am J Physiol等期刊。