主 办:水科学研究中心
报告人:Professor Xing Fang, Auburn University
时 间:3月10日星期二下午3:00-5:00
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网王克桢楼1003会议室
Daily water temperature (T) and dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles were simulated for 44 representative and 30 virtual lake types (up to 50 km2 surface area) in the contiguous United States under past climate (observed from 1961 to 2008) and for projected future climate conditions. A verified, process-oriented, dynamic, and one-dimensional year-round lake water quality model (MINLAKE) was applied to simulate water temperature and DO profiles continuously in daily time steps over a 19 to 48-year simulation period. The future climate scenario is projected to increase lake surface temperatures by up to 5.2 oC when the climate scenario projects an increase of mean annual air temperature up to 6.7 o C. The future climate scenario is projected to increase the duration of seasonal summer stratification by up to 67 days, to shorten ice cover by up to 90 days, and to reduce the maximum ice thickness by up to 0.44 m. Under a future climate scenario, lake anoxia during the period of ice cover is projected to shorten so that fish winterkill can be avoided, but the periods of hypolimnetic summer anoxia are projected to lengthen. Three oxythermal fish habitat modeling options were developed: (1) constant lethal T and DO limits, (2) lethal-niche-boundary curve, and (3) an oxythermal habitat variable, TDO3 (T at DO = 3 mg/L). Summerkill under future climate scenario is projected to have a significant negative influence on northern lakes and on cool-water fish in southern lakes where suitable habitat existed under historical conditions. The largest negative impact of climate warming on cold-water fish habitat occurs in medium-depth lakes (maximum depth of 13 m). Warm-water fish habitat is projected to be extended in all lakes investigated. Under the future climate scenario, good-growth periods are projected to increase by 37 day for cool-water fishes. Revised MINLAKE model was used to identify refuge lakes of a cold-water fish species cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Minnesota.
Dr. Fang is a full professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering and has worked at Auburn University since August, 2007. Dr. Fang also has twelve-year research and teaching experience in the Department of Civil Engineering at Lamar University (Texas State University System) at Beaumont, Texas (1995 – 2007 from an assistant professor to a full professor). Dr. Fang received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1994 (St. Anthony Falls Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering).
Dr. Fang has published 69 peer-reviewed journal articles (including journal papers that have been accepted or in press, see the citation information), 4 book chapters, 6 entries in "Encyclopedia of Water", 3 invited journal papers, 53 conference papers, and 57 project reports in the area of environmental hydrodynamics, ecological modeling, and water resources engineering (hydraulics and hydrology).
Dr. Fang was elected to be a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (F.ASCE) on February 11, 2014. He also became a Fellow of the ASCE Environmental & Water Resources Institute (F.EWRI) on May 16, 2014. He is a Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE) credentialed from the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) since 2007. He serves as Associate Editor (2015 – 2017) for the Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) under the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS/AISH) and Associate Editor (2013 – present) for the British Journal of Environment & Climate Change (BJECC). Dr. Fang was an Associate Editor in surface water hydrology (2007 – 2012) and water quality modeling (2012 – 2013) for the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). His research experience in water resources engineering includes assessing performance of sediment basins at highway construction sites, evaluation of scour potential of cohesive soils, estimation of volumetric and rate-based runoff coefficients using observed rainfall and runoff data, development of modified rational unit hydrograph, regional unit hydrograph and storm hyetograph development, rainfall loss estimation using non-linear programming, estimation of time parameters for Texas watersheds, synthesis of storm drainage design, and study of sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers. His research experience in environmental hydrodynamic/ecological modeling includes one-dimensional lake water quality modeling (studying impacts of global warming on fish habitats in small lakes in the contiguous USA), two-dimensional reservoir water quality modeling (studies on three Texas reservoirs), three-dimensional computational hydraulics modeling using FLOW-3D? (specializing in free-surface flow simulations) and EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code), and water quality monitoring in estuaries. He believes that there is a great potential to integrate various disciplines in science and engineering and to conduct advanced research in the area of engineering, environmental, geophysical and biological fluid mechanics or hydraulics or environmental hydrology.