
主   办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:王秀梅 教授
时   间:4月14日(周二)下午18:40
地   点:一教301教室
主持人:郑玉峰 教授


Design of bioactive materials that deliver precise regulatory signals to control stem cell fate for regenerative medicine has been a crucial issue currently in the field of biomaterials. Biomaterials serve as not only scaffolds and delivering vehicles, but also powerful artificial cell niche that direct specific cellular responses and tissue regeneration at the molecular level by adjusting the biophysical and biochemical properties of biomaterials, such as chemical functionalities, topography, mechanical properties, bioactive ligands, and their spatial and temporal presentations. Central nervous system (CNS) regeneration with central neuronal connections and restoration of synaptic connections has been a long-standing worldwide problem and, to date, no effective clinical therapies are widely accepted. In recent years, stem cell- and biomaterial-based strategies for nerve regeneration have attracted extensive attentions. In our group, we focus on the regulation of several types of stem cells, including neural stem cells, adipose stem cells, and umbilical mesenchymal stem cells by designing novel biomaterials for central nervous system regeneration. We have found that the surface chemistries of biomaterials could direct stem cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. And the stem cells cultured on the materials with hierarchical alignment and soft mechanical properties will favor neurogenic lineage. Furthermore, we developed several bioactive hydrogels base on hyaluronic acid, self-assembling peptide, and fibrin, respectively for CNS regeneration.




   09/2000-01/2005: 工学博士,清华大学,材料物理与化学专业

   09/1996-07/2000: 工学学士,清华大学,材料科学与工程专业







