主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Feichi Zhang (张飞驰)
时 间:6月5日(周五)上午9:30-10:30
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1#楼212房间
主持人:陈 正 研究员
The direct numerical simulation (DNS) method has been viewed as an important and reliable tool for developing and improving subordinate modeling methods in turbulent combustion. The present work introduces a new solver for DNS of chemically reacting flows, which is developed within the framework of the open-source program OpenFOAM. The code is capable of solving numerically the compressible reactive flow equations employing unstructured grids. There with a detailed description of the chemistry, e.g. the reaction rates, and transport, e.g. the diffusion coefficients, has been accomplished by coupling the free chemical kinetics program Cantera. The solver implies a fully implicit scheme of second order for the time derivative and a fourth order interpolation scheme for the discretization of the convective term. An operator-split approach is used by the solver which allows solutions of the flow and chemistry with time scales that differ by orders of magnitude, leading to a significantly improved performance. In addition, the solver has proved to exhibit a good parallel scalability.
The implementation of the code has first been validated by means of 1D premixed fat flames. Furthermore, the code has been applied to simulate different 3D cases, i.e., the spherical flame propagation in an explosion vessel of laboratory-scale, a synthetically propagating flame front and a turbulent jet flame of laboratory scale. Some evaluations of the DNS results have been presented to show potentials of the DNS for detailed analysis of the underlying flame-turbulence interaction.
Dr. Feichi Zhang’s academic qualifications
Dec. 2013–present: Scientific staff/Postdoc, Engler-Bunte Institute/Division of Combustion Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, (KIT), Germany
Feb. 2006–Dec. 2013: Scientific staff and Ph.D. scholar, Engler-Bunte Institute/Division of Combustion Technology, Karlsruhe, Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Sept. 2005–Jan. 2006: Scientific staff, Institute of Fluid Machinery, University Karlsruhe, Germany
Oct. 2000–Jun. 2005: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Technical University Dresden (TUD), Germany
联系人:陈正 62766232, 13439589987