主 办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:Yantao Li, Assistant Professor
时 间:6月17日(周三)上午10:00
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼212会议室
主持人:Steven Feng Chen (陈峰), Professor
Yantao Li is an Assistant Professor of Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology at the University of Maryland. His research interest is in the area of algal biology and biotechnology, in which the goal is to understand lipid synthesis, turnover, and lipid body biogenesis in microalgae, to rationally engineer algae for biofuel and high-value products such as carotenoids, and to biochemically convert algal feedstock into biofuels. Dr. Li has over 20 scientific publications in the algal biotechnology field. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. degree in Microbial Biotechnology from the University of Hong Kong in 2007 and B.S. degree in Plant Biology from Nanjing University in 2002.
(For more information, please visit http://www.umces.edu/imet/people/yantao)
Email: yantao umces.edu