主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Prof. Christopher Lynch
时 间:6月29日(周一)下午2:30
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网力学楼434会议室
主持人:李法新 研究员
TANMS is an NSF sponsored Engineering Research Center exploring magnetoelectricity at the nanoscale as a means of overcoming the limitations of controlling magnetism using current in a wire, an approach that fails at the nanoscale. TANMS instead uses electric fields combined with direct and indirect magnetoelectric coupling to control magnetism in the small scale ( Chung, Keller et al. 2009, Chung, Wong et al. 2009, Cui, Hockel et al. 2013). The TANMS modeling thrust is focused on developing/validating new modeling tools and applying these innovative tools throughout the center. These state of the art models provide a fundamental understanding of material response, the ability to interpret test data, and the ability to design testbed devices. Each of the testbeds (memory, antenna, motor) extensively drives development of these new modeling tools ranging from ab initio simulations to meso-scale modeling efforts to continuum level device design approaches, all coupled with a mathematical optimization process. This talk will give an overview of some of the modeling challenges and discuss multiscale multifunctional model development.
Prof. Christopher Lynch obtained his MS and PhD in mechanical engineering from UC Santa Barbara under Prof. R. McMeeking. He has since focused his research on the constitutive behaviour and reliability of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials. Combining ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials results in magnetoelectric coupling. Recent work on nanoarchitected magnetoelectric heterostructures has resulted in a new approach to controlling magnetism at the nanoscale. Prof. Lynch leads the modelling thrust of the NSF-TANMS Engineering Research Center. He has received the ASME Adaptive Structures Prize and the SPIE Lifetime Achievement Award. He currently serves as Editor-In-Chief of the journal Smart Materials and Structures.
Chung, T.-K., S. Keller and G. P. Carman (2009). "Electric-field-induced reversible magnetic single-domain evolution in a magnetoelectric thin film." Applied Physics Letters 94(13): 132501.
Cui, J., J. L. Hockel, P. K. Nordeen, D. M. Pisani, C.-Y. Liang, G. P. Carman and C. S. Lynch (2013). "A method to control magnetism in individual strain-mediated magnetoelectric islands." Applied Physics Letters 103(23).
欢迎广大师生光临!联系人:李法新 62757454