Engineering Functional Defects in Precisely Synthesized Macromolecules

主   办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Dr. Mingjiang Zhong
时   间:7月25号(周六)下午3:00-5:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210会议室
主持人:杨槐 教授


The development of living polymerization techniques enables the synthesis of polymers with controlled molecular weight, chain length distribution, topology, composition, and functionality. However, the challenge of making living polymerizations environmentally and biologically friendly while reaching even higher levels of precision still remains critical to advances in polymer chemistry. The first part of this seminar introduces several solutions to these problems and describes the employment of these developed techniques to prepare polymer precursors for multi-functional nanocarbon materials. The second part presents an interdisciplinary approach to quantitatively characterizing various structural defects in polymers of different dimensions. These generally undesirable defects are then synthesized in a controlled way and utilized in a functional manner..


Dr. Mingjiang Zhong received his B.S. degree in double majors of Chemistry and Mathematics at Peking University He performed his undergraduate research under the supervision of Prof. Yun-Dong Wu, after which he pursued his PhD. degree at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) under the direction of Profs. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski and Tomasz Kowalewski. His primary research interests at CMU spanned the subjects of mechanistic study of reversible-deactivation radical polymerization, macromolecular self-assembly, nanocarbon and soft materials for energy storage and conversion applications. In 2013, he joined the groups of Profs. Jeremiah A. Johnson and Bradley D. Olsen as a joint postdoctoral fellow, where his research is currently focused on design and physical characterization of complex polymeric structures such as hydrogels and molecular brushes. In Fall 2016, he will be assuming an assistant professor position in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Yale University.

