主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:王 娟 博士
时 间:8月1日(周六)上午10:30
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210
主持人:郑玉峰 教授
There is currently a paradigm shift in the medical implant device industry where absorbable metallic materials made from Magnesium (Mg) and Mg alloys are being reviewed to replace permanent metal implants. Even with the heavy volume of research that has been conducted, absorbable metals cannot be investigated using the current American Society for Testing and Materials and International Organization for Standards, since the traditional in vitro test methods cannot predict the in vivo results. A key step of the development of current standards is to identify and test the relevant microenvironments and parameters in test-systems. In particular, our results give an insight into the effect of fluid dynamics on the Mg degradation behavior under mimicking vascular environment. We developed a series of crow-down vascular bioreactors to simulate in vivo/ physiological conditions to reveal degradation mechanisms, such as in vitro varied fluid flow system with computational fluid dynamic calculation, in-situ or real-time electrochemical monitoring system, porcine aortal bioreactor model as well as rat aortal in vivo model system. All the fundamental scientific researches as above serve clinical applications of absorbable Mg-based vascular stents. Furthermore, a route of surface modification is provided to improve both the durability and biocompatibility of Mg-based stents.
· 2010.09-2015.06 西南交通大学 材料学 工学博士
· 2012.10-2014.10 美国科学基金会工程研究中心生物金属材料研究所 生物医学工程 联合培养博士生
· 2006.09-2010.06 天津理工大学 材料物理 理学学士
1. Juan Wang, Christopher E. Smith, Jagannathan Sankar, Yeoheung Yun, Nan Huang. Absorbable magnesium-based stent: physiological factors to consider for in vitro degradation assessment. Regenerative biometerials. 2015, 1-11. Invited review paper.
2 Juan Wang, Venkataraman Giri, Vesselin Shanov, Zhigang Xu, Boyce Collins, Leon White, Yongseok Jang, Jagannathan Sankar, Nan Huang, Yeoheung Yun. Flow induced corrosion behavior of absorbable magnesium-based stent. Acta biomaterialia, 2014, 10(12), 5213-5223.
3. Juan Wang, Yonghui He, Manfred F. Maitz, Boyce Collins, Kaiqin Xiong, Lisha Guo, Yeoheung Yun, Guojiang Wan, Nan Huang. A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully-biodegradable magnesium-based stent applications: toward better biofunction, biodegradation, and biocompatibility. Acta biomaterialia. 2013, 9(10), 8678-8689.