Combustor-Turbine: From Interactions to Integration

主   办:航空航天工程系
报告人:Budimir Rosic 博士
时   间:8月5日(周三)下午3:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210
主持人:周超 研究员


Continuous endeavour towards higher efficiencies and lower emissions brings new challenges for the future development of gas turbines hot-end. The turbine inlet temperature is still increasing. There are new advances in combustion technology (especially in low NOx combustion systems). To meet these challenges new approaches in the development of the hot-end are needed. The talk will give more insight into the complex aerothermal interactions at the combustor-turbine interface in gas turbines for power generation. Advances in experimental and computational tools allow a traditionally component based design approach to be replaced by a new integrated approach in the design of the gas turbines hot-end. Beside efforts to understand the physics of these complex flow interactions and their effect on turbine performance there are some attempts to alter the flow interactions by physically integrating combustors and downstream turbine. An example of combustor-turbine integration will be also presented in the talk.


Budimir Rosic, Associate Professor

Budimir Rosic is an Associate Professor at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and a Tutorial Fellow at St. Anne’s College in Oxford. He is also a member of the Osney Thermofluids Laboratory. Before joining Oxford University in 2009, He spent eight years in Cambridge where he received his doctorate degree at the Whittle Laboratory 2005, and worked afterwards as a Senior Research Fellow and a Lecturer. He was also educated in Belgrade and ETH in Zurich.

At the beginning of his research career he was involved in modelling of thermofluid processes in power generation systems, power plant monitoring and performance tests. In Cambridge his research focus moved towards experimental and computational turbomachinery aerodynamics. After moving to Oxford he has been also involved in solving various aerodynamic, heat transfer and cooling problems in gas turbines for ultra-high inlet temperatures, again combining experimental and computational work. With his group he is also working on the development of instrumentation for measurements in real engine conditions and solving various heat transfer problems in different power generation systems. He has been working in a close collaboration with major power generation and turbomachinery manufacturing companies.

Rosic is a member of the different ASME IGTI Tubomachinery and Steam Turbines committees. He was the recipient of ASME Gas Turbine Award in 2006 and 2009 and four ASME IGTI Best Paper Awards in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010.
