Numerical Investigation of the Unsteady Flows in Compressors with RANS/LES Hybrid Approach

主   办:航空航天工程系
报告人:石可 博士
时   间:9月9日(周三)下午3:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210
主持人:周超 研究员


Clearance flow is crucial in compressors. It causes loss and unsteadiness, and can directly trigger the extreme unsteady flow phenomenon, such as spike-type stall inception. The work provides steady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANS) and unsteady Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (IDDES) calculations of the flow field for two different types of compressors: Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR, Germany Aerospace Center) subsonic compressor stator and Notre Dame (ND) transonic compressor rotor. Both of these compressors are single row axial compressors. To improve the rotor performance, circumferential groove casing treatment (CGCT) is carried out. The effect of a single circumferential groove casing treatment on ND transonic compressor rotor is investigated numerically. The effect of the groove at different axial locations on the flow field is studied in detail and the stall margin improvement is analyzed. The present results show that the groove close to the leading edge plays a crucial role in stabilizing the near stall flow structures and, hence, improves the stall margin. The groove at the mid-section of the blade chord can help exchange and transfer momentums between different directions, and suppress the flow unsteadiness, leading to increased efficiency in rotor performance and extended operation range. The groove located near the blade trailing edge has limited effects on the stall margin improvement and may cause additional penalty in the efficiency. Based on the understanding of the casing treatment mechanism, the use of the number of grooves is optimized. The results indicate better performance with optimized CGCT.


报告人简介:石可 博士


