主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:霍云龙 特聘研究员
时 间:11月6日 周五12点
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网力学楼434室
主持人:杨莹 教授
It is of basic and clinical importance to investigate coronary vascular remodeling in response to heart diseases (e.g., RV and LV hypertrophy and congestive heart failure-CHF) as well as during normal growth and aging. We have reconstructed the entire coronary arterial tree from the casting and histological measurements in swine models and performed the hemodynamic analysis. The compensatory remodeling in RV and LV hypertrophy of porcine increases coronary vessel number (a remarkable increase in RV hypertrophy), but maintains vascular hierarchy and uniform wall shear stress in perfusion arterioles. The increase in ventricle wall stress during CHF causes coronary vascular rarefaction to increase the vascular flow resistance which in turn compromises the perfusion of the heart. On the other hand, based on the micro-CT measurements of coronary arterial trees in mice at different ages (1 week to >8 months), we showed a constant exponent, but age-dependent coefficients in the length-volume scaling law during normal growth and aging. In particular, a significant decrease or increase of the coefficient in the length-volume scaling law was found to be a good index of positive remodeling or diffuse disease, respectively, in epicardial coronary arteries.
霍云龙,新葡萄8883国际官网力学与工程科学系特聘研究员、青年获得者。在新葡萄8883国际官网创建“心血管力学与介入心脏病学实验室”。现任《Am J Physiol-Heart C》编委。被邀为20多个国际学术杂志审稿。长期从事心血管生物力学、无创诊断方法和介入医疗器械的研究工作;在血液动力学、血管壁软组织力学、三维冠状血管网络、高血压和心室肥大、冠状动脉狭窄、无创诊断冠脉血流储备分数、弥漫性冠状动脉疾病等方面取得了一些有重要意义的研究成果;在国际一流期刊(例如:Circ Res、Radiology、Biomaterials、J R Soc Interface、J Hypertens、Biophys J、Am J Physiol-Heart C)发表学术论文50多篇,他引600多次。