主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:吴水林 教授
时 间:11月14日(周六) 下午两点
地 点:力学大院工学1号楼212会议室
主持人:郑玉峰 教授
Titanium-based alloys are commonly used in orthopedic implants because of their desirable mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. Bacterial infection often induces the implant failure. Surface modification is the best way to not only improve the biocompatibility but also enhance the antibacterial performance of metallic implants. In the work, one-dimensional nanostructures including TiO2 nanotube and titanate nanowire were constructed on the surface of Ti alloys. The former prepared by anodization method was used for drug loading with antibacterial polymer sealing while the latter produced by hydrothermal method was employed as carriers for Ag nanoparticles. Drug release tests disclosed that the drug release profile could be tuned to achieve the optimal therapeutic action throughout the treatment time by varying the thickness of the polymer film. SEM and TEM examinations showed that Ag nanoparticles could also be well carried by one dimensional titanate nanowires. Antibacterial tests revealed that the antibacterial activity increased with the increase of initial concentration of silver nitrate solution.
吴水林, 教授, 国家优秀科学基金获得者,湖北省 “百人计划” 特聘专家, 湖北省 “楚天学者计划” 楚天学子。2007年获得香港城市大学博士学位。2012年入选湖北省引进海外高层次人次计划 “百人计划” 。长期从事生物医用材料及其表面改性研究,在人工骨支架材料、纳米仿生支架材料以及人工骨组织工程,界面生物学等领域开展了多项研究,取得了多项创新成果。在Nano Letters (影响因子13.198), Biomaterials (影响因子7.404), Acta Materialia (影响因子3.755)等相关领域国际顶级及权威期刊上发表学术论文52篇,所发表的论文被包括Nature Publishing Group-Asia Materials, 《科学时报》等在内的国内外多家著名学术媒体作为研究亮点高度评价,研究成果被中国工程院院士、美国FDA前主席美国国家科学奖获得者麻省理新葡萄8883国际官网著名生物材料学家Robert Langer等国内外著名专家学者大篇幅引用。被包括 Nature Nanotechnology 、Materials Science and Engineering-Report等在内的SCI期刊截止目前共引用超过400多次,他引超过360次。先后主持国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、湖北省科技厅、湖北省教育厅以及武汉市科技局“晨光计划”等在内的多项基金。