Combustion and Evaporation of Complex Liquid Fuels and Development of Phase Change Parameters for Surrogate Fuels

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Prof. Yu-Cheng Liu (刘有晟)
时   间:12月30日(周三)下午2:00-3:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网1#楼210
主持人:陈正 特聘研究员


Liquid fuels have powered the major transportation systems for a century and will continue to do so for decades to come. Analyzing and modeling the combustion of liquid fuel in practical systems is one of the most difficult tasks in the combustion community. The difficulty stems from highly turbulent and swirling flow behaviors coupled by multi-phase phenomena of multi-component fuels and their convoluted gas phase reaction pathways. A simplified 1-D system with tests using appropriate surrogate fuels is preferred to study fundamental behaviors of liquid fuel combustion. The presentation will begin with exploration of spherically symmetric droplet flame experiments of various practical fuels (gasoline and Jet-A) and their surrogate fuels performed in a drop tower and onboard the International Space Station. Effect of initial droplet diameter, radiative heat loss and post-extinction processes on droplet burning characteristics will be discussed. Deriving from the need of parameters for modeling the phase change process of droplet combustion, a new strategy of formulating parameters for preferential vaporization of surrogate fuels is initiated based on quantitative analysis of infrared absorption of fuel functional groups sampled from simple liquid pool fire experiments. 


Dr. Yu-Cheng Liu is currently an assistant professor in University of Michigan – Flint. He received his Ph.D. (2013) and M.S. (2010) in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University and M.S. (2007) and B.S. (2005) in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University. His broader interests of research include the combustion and evaporation behavior of complex liquid fuels, developing surrogate parameters for multi-phase combustion modeling, optical diagnostics and spectroscopy for practical combustion systems, soot formation and graphene chemical vapor deposition, and energy conversion of solid waste. He received recognition of Marquis Who’s Who in America in 2016, Research and Creative Activity Fund of University of Michigan in 2015, Lockheed Martin Student Award for Oral Presentation in 28th ASGSR Meeting, 2012, McManus Design Award of Cornell University in 2010 and fellowship award from Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University in 2006.
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