High speed stereoscopic shadowgraph/Schlireren and its digital reconstruction

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Prof. Yang Zhang
时   间:3月31日(周四)15:00-16:00
地   点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼212会议室
主持人:王健平 教授


In this talk, an introduction of Schlireren imaging, stereoscopic imaging and stereoscopic Schlireren imaging techniques will be given. Different test cases will be shown.


Professor Yang Zhang received BEng from Zhejiang University, China and PhD in the Engineering Department of Cambridge University. He then worked as a Research Associate and Research Fellow (Darwin College, Cambridge University) on two projects (Integrated Diesel European Action : IDEA and the follow-on project IDEA EFFECT) supported by six European car manufacturers and EU. After this, he moved to UMIST and then the University of Manchester before taking the Chair of Combustion and Energy in Sheffield.
His laboratory specializes in combustion and advanced flow diagnostics. The combustion lab has several lab scale burners for both fundamental research and teaching. Besides the conventional diagnostic techniques, the group is known for in-house developed diagnostic techniques, which can be applied not only in flame dynamics studies but also in many fast moving dynamic systems The team has great strength in signal and image processing capabilities, including multi-channel data acquisition, high speed imaging and stereo imaging.