主 办:新葡萄8883国际官网特邀报告
报告人:Dr. Yiqiao song
时 间:6月21日(周二)10:30
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网王克桢楼1006会议室(原太平洋大厦)
主持人:张东晓 教授
In recent years, NMR/MRI has become an important technique for characterization of a variety of porous media including inorganic materials and biological tissues. In particular, NMR/MRI measurement of relaxation and diffusion properties has found applications in petroleum exploration, material sciences, medical imaging, and other fields. This talk will outline the physics of the relaxation and diffusion processes in porous media and the recent MR development including multi-echo techniques, compressed sensing, 2d methods for diffusion and relaxation, in particular to study complex diffusion dynamics in porous media. I will also discuss several applications of these techniques in the study of polymer degradation, molecular composition, porosity in sedimentary rocks, food productions and biological tissues. New ideas of NMR instrument will be presented to include miniaturization of NMR electronics into a silicon chip, and a fully broadband front-end electronics without using the conventional resonant circuit.