主 办:力学与工程科学系
报告人:Prof. Yusong Cao C-Z Marine Technology, LLC, President
时 间:6月29日(周三)上午10:00-11:30
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼210会议室
主持人:段慧玲 教授
海洋浮式平台系统设计过程中, 如何正确分析预报其在海上各种复杂不同环境条件受到各种外部载荷的作用产生相应的运动及系统内部载荷的响应,对海洋浮式平台系统的建造、运输、安装和运行能否按预期进行至关重要。平台运动耦合分析方法考虑了平台的运动和其子系统(如锚索、立管、油/汽输管、脐带缆等)的运动的相互作用,及对周围环境的影响和改变(进而反过来影响系统的外部载荷)。相对于非耦合分析,耦合分析能比较真实地反映实际的物理过程,从而给出更准确的预报。耦合分析的应用越来越受到重视,在实际的工程设计分析中得到越来越多的应用。
Prof. Yusong Cao, President of C-Z Marine Technology, LLC
PhD, Naval architecture and Marine Engineering, The University of Michigan, 1991 (Advisor: Prof. Robert F. Beck)
M.S.E, Naval architecture and Marine Engineering, The University of Michigan, 1989
M.S.E, Naval architecture and Ocean Engineering, South China University of Technology, 1985
B.S.E, Naval architecture and Ocean Engineering, South China University of Technology, 1982
Current Research/Development Projects:
* An innovative VIV Suppression concept and device;
* An innovative design and operation of FPSO for offshore oil/gas production, processing and transportation
* A method for short-term real time prediction of waves and vessel motions
Current Consulting Projects:
* Design of a rotorcraft and analysis of aerodynamic performance of the rotorcraft (Facebook Inc.)
* R&D of a new generation drilling SEMI (Yantai CIMC Raffles Offshore)
New Business Development:
* Working with business partners in Ocean renewable energy (wind, wave and current) technologies R&D and commercialization