主 办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:Dr. Li Deng, Emmy Noether group leader "Viral Ecology"
时 间:10月17日下午14:00
地 点:新葡萄8883国际官网1号楼212会议室
主持人:吴晓磊 教授
Dr. Li Deng’ research focus is on the interaction of microbe and virus (phage) in ecosystems ranging from ocean to the human body. She is one of the pioneers in the development of “metaviromics” which involves isolating and sequencing the RNA/DNA from all of the viruses in an environmental sample. Using such toolkit, she queries 'wild' viral populations to identify important hypotheses that can be evaluated using model-system approaches. During the last years diverse phenomena critical to the biology of microbes have been described to be driven by viruses. The view that viruses are “only” parasites is no longer valid but viruses rather are able to transfer and store genetic information of their hosts and impact the whole ecosystem.
The Deng lab is also developing sing-cell assays to investigate questions that are critical for modeling and predicting the impacts of phage-host interactions. Specifically, these include gaining an understanding of the in situ host range of phage isolates, the metabolic capacity of to-date uncultured phage-host systems, the impacts of host growth status on phage production, and the fraction of microbial cells that are infected in wild populations.
Yong Nie, PhD
College of Engineering
Peking University
E-mail: nieyong@gmail.com
Tel: +86 10 62759047