主 办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:George J. Moridis
时 间:8月20日(周日)下午3:00
地 点:王克桢楼十层1006会议室
The seminar covers studies related to present and recent projects on hydrocarbon recovery conducted by the team of G. J. Moridis at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and at the Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Texas A&M University. These investigations focus mainly on unconventional resources and cover the spectrum from fundamental to field-scale studies. The presentation includes discussions (a) on the numerical simulation codes developed by G. Moridis and his team for the solution of complex problems of transport through porous media, accounting for coupled flow, thermal, thermodynamic, geomechanical, chemical and geophysical processes, (b) on the analysis of production from shale gas and shale oil reservoirs, including high-definition numerical studies of the associated coupled flow, thermal and geomechanical system behavior, as well as fundamental laboratory studies exploring the mechanisms of flow in ultra-tight media at nano-scales, (c) on the numerical study of hydraulic fracturing and of its potential environmental impact on shallower groundwater resources, (d) on gas production from a variety of gas hydrate resources, and (e) on high-performance computing studies exploring fundamentals processes of flow and reactive transport through porous media (including carbonates) using grids that result in up to 8 billion of equations. Time-permitting, the presentation may include short discussions on the LBNL simulation studies on the Macondo well failure in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as on the studies of radionuclide transport at the proposed U.S. High-Level Nuclear Waster Repository in Yucca Mountain, Nevada.
Professor, Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M University
Head, Hydrocarbon Research Program, Energy Geosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
George Moridis is a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University since October 2016. Before that, he was a Senior Scientist and the Head of the Hydrocarbon Resource Program in the Energy Geosciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), was in charge of the LBNL research programs on unconventional resources (hydrates, tight/shale gas and oil), and lead the development of the new generation of LBNL simulation codes of coupled flow, thermal, geomechanical and geophysical processes. Moridis holds the ExxonMobil Visiting Professor Chair in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dept. of the National University of Singapore, in addition to being a visiting Senior Scientist in the Energy Geosciences Division of LBNL and a visiting professor in the Guangzhou Center for Gas Hydrate Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; he is also an adjunct professor in the Chemical Engineering Dept. at the Colorado School of Mines, and in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Dept. of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Moridis is the author or coauthor of over 95 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 3 book chapters, 3 patents, and more than 200 LBNL reports, paper presentations and book articles. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for 2009–10, and has been a SPE Distinguished Member since 2010. He is a member of the U.S. Secretary of Energy’s Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee, and the recipient of a 2011 Secretarial Honor Award – the highest non-monetary award of the U.S. Department of Energy – for work on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Flow Rate Technical Group. He is on the editorial board of three scientific journals, an Associate Editor of four scientific journals, and a reviewer for 26 scientific publications.