力学系&湍流实验室学术报告:Thermoacoustic instabilities – taming the “ghost” of aero- and rocket engines










题目:Thermoacoustic instabilities – taming the “ghost” of aero- and rocket engines

报告人:  Dong Yang (杨东)

Southern University of Science and Technology(南方科技大学)

时间:202217日(周五)上午10:00 – 11:00





Thermoacoustic instabilities (or “combustion instabilities”) come from the positive feedback between acoustics and unsteady combustion; unsteady combustion generates acoustic waves which propagate within the combustor, being reflected by the boundaries and further disturb the flame to generate more acoustics. Due to the compactness and intensive heat release in aero- and rocket engine combustors, this coupling can generate catastrophically large pressure oscillations. Predicting it is very difficult since it requires resolving couplings across very different scales (acoustics, turbulence and combustion). Full-scale experiments are extremely expensive but lab-scale rig does not capture all key physics – a process of trial and error involving many very expensive full-scale tests (high pressure and temperature tests covering all operating cases) is usually needed to ensure that this instability is safely avoided. Thermoacoustic instabilities are thus called the “ghost” of aero- and rocket engines. This talk presents the state-of-the-art treatments in predicting and damping of this instability. More specifically, the most advanced low-order network modelling methodology, and important vortex-sound and entropy noise theories will be presented.


Dr. Dong Yang is an assistant professor at SUSTech. His research focuses on predicting and damping of thermoacoustic instabilities, with strong expertise in low-order network modelling and vortex-sound-entropy coupling theory. He got his first and Master’s degrees from Tsinghua University, and his PhD in 2017 from Imperial College London. His PhD thesis “The acoustics of short circular holes and their damping of thermoacoustic oscillations” won the Osborne Reynolds Award 2017 Oral Presentation Finalist -- top six PhDs in Fluid Mechanics in the UK. His research has made significant impact in the thermoacoustic and aeroacoustics communities, including being highlighted by the Journal of Sound and Vibration as “2017 Highlight of Aeroacoustics research in Europe”. He has been invited by many leading companies such as Rolls-Royce, Siemens and Reaction Engines to give talks or build collaborations on thermoacoustic instabilities. He is an organizer of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, and reviewer for Journal of Sound and Vibration, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Combustion and Flame, AIAA Journal, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power etc.


联系人:陈正  62766232, 13439589987