美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校工业与系统工程系Prof. Leyuan Shi新葡萄8883国际官网报告
    3月18日下午,在新葡萄8883国际官网力学楼434会议室,来自美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校工业与系统工程系Prof. Leyuan Shi作了题为“Nested Partitions Optimization Method and its Applications”的学术报告,报告由新葡萄8883国际官网工业工程与管理系 王建东">王建东教授主持,新葡萄8883国际官网20余名师生参加了报告。
    Prof. Shi的报告从四个方面展开,首先她提出了大规模复杂优化问题,然后针对这一问题深入浅出地介绍了Nested Partitions方法的基本原理和收敛性理论,并详细讨论了Nested Partitions方法在运行计划与调度、供应链管理、物流、信息技术等多个领域的实际应用。她指出,只要有复杂系统的地方,一定要有运作;而只要有运作的地方,就一定要有效率。因而,Nested Partitions方法是一种有效的方法论,具有很高的实用价值,而且还可以在实际中与其他方法互补,更好地提高效率。
    Prof. Shi的报告引起了在场师生的强烈兴趣,大家纷纷提出自己的问题,Prof. Shi也一一给予了解答并提出了自己的建议,使师生们深受启发。之后她还大致介绍了自己研究小组的组成、工作及与医院、公司等不同领域的合作,展望了Nested Partitions方法的广阔应用前景。
Prof. Leyuan Shi简介:
    LEYUAN SHI is a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University in 1992. 
    Her research interests include simulation modeling and large-scale optimization with applications to operation planning and scheduling, supply chain management, transportation, and health care systems. She has developed a novel optimization framework, the Nested Partitions Method that has been applied to many large-scale and complex systems optimization problems. This research work has been funded by NSF, AFSOR, ONR, State of Wisconsin, and many private industrial companies. Her research work has been published on journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, JDEDS, IIE Trans. and IEEE Trans.
    She is currently serving on editorial board for IEEE Trans on Automation Science and Engineering, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, and Journal of Methodology, and Computing in Applied Probability. She served on editorial board for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and INFORMS Journal on Computing. She also served as General Chair, co-Chair, and program committee for many national and international conferences. She chaired the Outstanding Publication Award Committee for the INFORM College on Simulation. She is the recipient of the Vilas Associate Award in 2006.